Your masonry chimney is made from bricks or stone and mortar, but that’s not all. On top of your chimney is the area that is known as the crown made from concrete. If the crown is damaged, it will allow water to get inside your chimney and damage the bricks, liner, and fireplace. When the masonry crown has severe damage or deterioration, your concrete chimney crown needs repair or replacement. FlameMaster has certified chimney sweeps that can get the job done. Let’s look further at what happens when a concrete chimney crown is damaged.
The chimney crown is a crucial part of your chimney’s structure. Its main function is guarding your chimney against water. A chimney crown is a substantial slab of concrete at the top that covers the chimney’s opening; it protects the brick and mortar in your chimney from water. A chimney crown is usually made of concrete, but it can also be metal or stone. Don’t mistake the crown for a chimney cap, which is made from metal and covers the flue. You’ll find the chimney crown located above the last brick layer near the top of your chimney. A concrete chimney crown is commonly around three to four inches thick and slopes at the edges.
Cracks will occur on a chimney crown over the years; if left unattended, these cracks will get larger and let water infiltrate your chimney. Once your brick and mortar have absorbed water, it is only a matter of time before you have issues like spalling where bricks break or come loose. You may be able to tell the crown on your chimney is damaged by signs like water stains on your ceiling around the chimney or water in the firebox. Water damage to your chimney and home can be pricey to have repaired, so it behooves you to ensure that your concrete chimney crown doesn’t have any cracks. How do you do that? Read on.
Our chimney sweeps are not only experienced, but they are also certified by the Chimney Sweep Institute of America (CSIA), so they have the knowledge to recognize a chimney crown that needs repair. We will inspect your masonry chimney from top to bottom, including its concrete crown. If we find only a few hairline cracks in your chimney crown, we will seal it with an air-permeable waterproofing sealant that will keep moisture from getting into your chimney crown.
We will rebuild the chimney crown using concrete if more substantial damage is found. Once the rebuild is completed, we will coat the new chimney crown with a water-repellant coating.
Don’t let a possibly compromised chimney crown go; let us inspect it. We offer chimney crown inspection and rebuilding services in Woodland Park CO, Colorado Springs CO, Nathrop CO, Antero Junction CO, Guffey CO, and Castle Rock CO; call us today at (719) 661-3277. One of our chimney experts will discuss repairing or rebuilding your chimney crown.